91 ford ranger 2.9 4x4 blowing fuses,the 4x4 is out rpms,battery,etc i changed the fuse and it blows it again?
could be the switch. more likely a scattered hub or bound up t case. mine took warn lockouts to make it dependable in 4wd
91 ford ranger 2.9 4x4 blowing fuses,the 4x4 is out rpms,battery,etc i changed the fuse and it blows it again?
This may help. Take out the burned fuse and install a test light across the empty fuse terminals. With the ignition key on, the test bulb will light up due to the short circuit causing the fuse to blow.
Now begin disconnecting devices which are powered by that particular fuse. Fuses usually power more than one device, so you will be unplugging several items, one at a time paying attention to the lighted bulb. You will need a schematic to determine all of the devices which are powered by that one fuse.
When you unplug something and the light goes out, then the short is in the device you unplugged. If you unplug every single electrical device powered by the fuse and the light still shines, then you have a short in the wiring harness and you must begin perfoming wiggle tests of the entire harness till you can make the light go out. If you wiggle the wiring and the light goes out the short is wherever you last wiggled the wire. Hope that info helps, I've found that to be the easiest way to find short circuits.
P.S. Yes, switches can go bad and cause a short circuit which will blow fuses and you can check the switch with a multimeter.