Is it a fuse or light bulb?
More than likely its the bulb thats burned out. There are screws that have to be removed from the instrument panel bezel. If you email me I can email you copies of the pages in my shop manual that show detail of how to remove the dash panels.
Is it a fuse or light bulb?
Most likely it's the bulbs. I have some out too and they are a pain to get at. You either have to take the dash board apart or you have to reach way up under and feel for the holders then when you find them you have to try and twist them one half turn to get them out. Good Luck%26gt;
you basically have to take out the gauge cluster which means you have to take apart almost the whole dash. you didnt specify which car your dealing with but the newer wranglers its goin to be a pain in the *** to do because it will have so many screws to take out and all that great stuff but on the old cherokees you take out the screws that hold the dash and the just the screws for the guage cluster and its out. and then im not sure about the grand cherokees but i would assume like most of the new cars the dash panal is snap on and off so it may be easier.
It is more than likely just a bulb. However, have a mechanic with electrical backing look into the switch and pray that's not it.
Very Easy To Get TO The Bulbs. Take Off The Dash Panel. There Will Be No More Than 4-6 Screws To Remove The Speedometer Cluster. Then You Will See Wires Going Into It. They Are Just Like Blinkers. Just Twist It To The Left And It Will Pop Right Out. Take The Bulb To A AutoPart Store And They Will Give You The Replacements.