Saturday 4 June 2011

Is it ok if i put wire in a spoiled fuse to prevent from changing to a new one?

I accidentally spoiled the 3 amp fuse by breaking the wire in it into half. I dunno where to get the buss type fuse so i just insert a wire in it and fix it back to the speaker fuse jack and it works... Just wanna know will it make any damages?||| can. But it is not advisable. The fuse is there to protect from overload from CURRENT.

If you NEED to do can...but only for the short-term. The fuse MUST be replaced.

You CAN seriously damage your equipment!!|||You certainly WILL! Turn it off and replace it .

It%26#039;s got a vacuum like a light bulb. No dice, won%26#039;t blow properly like it should. It SHOULD, too...that protects it! If it blows a lot it needs repair!

You blew the fuse and it%26#039;s not the least bit repairable...Go to Radio Shack or some other electronics store and get more. I%26#039;ve even found them at Home Depot! It%26#039;s a 3AG/AGC type.

Don%26#039;t use less and especially more, as less with blow faster and more and MORE won%26#039;t blow right or at all and can harm the set.

I got a 1969 Pioneer receiver, top of the line that year (SX-1500T) at the auction and I found it there with a 12 amp car value (same type and size) that somebody had decided would keep it from blowing. Surely enough, 30 seconds with power at my home and BANG! I had to get the output stage repaired...not fun and thank goodness it was repairable, as it%26#039;s a nice set.

DON%26#039;T OPERATE WITHOUT ONE!|||The fuse is there to prevent damage from excess current. By replacing the wire you have changed the fuse%26#039;s maximum current and an over-current may cause damage to your equipment.

It will most likely work for now but I would suggest getting a new fuse soon.