Saturday 24 September 2011

Where can i get a fuse box layout for a 1989 mercury grand marquis?

the dashboard and tail lights went out at the same time and im pretty sure its a fuse but i dont know which fuse it is. i pulled all fuses out to see which one was out but they all seem to be fine. i want to go ahead and change fuse anyway but dont which one it is. i dont have the owners manual for my car since its so old. so where can i go to see a fuse box layout or view owners manual for FREE? please help me out people.

better yet, if you have the same car i do and the owners manual, let me know where its at.
Where can i get a fuse box layout for a 1989 mercury grand marquis?
Check at the library in the auto section, there are many books that show the fuse box or you can go to a auto parts store and get a chilton's repair manual or what ever they sell. good luck
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